Although both of my pioneer missionary parents today rest in peace, awaiting their reward in eternity; neither of them, regretfully, departed without suffering.
I watched my father die a thousand deaths: the dozens of strokes were merciless. Finally, one day, even his resounding voice was at last silenced. If you ever heard him narrate a missionary slide presentation you know what I mean. His anointed voice was gone, forever!
All the while, my precious mother continued caring for Dad; yet, she herself sensed her own fall into the void of a disease called Alzheimer. She KNEW!
How can I forget the day mother urgently summoned me to Dad´s hospital room? As I walked in and saw all was well, my questioning face turned to her. She answered my look and said: “Brad, today I am in my right mind. I just wanted you to know that I love you.” Knowing that blank look of emptiness was not far away, we kissed and hugged. Precious memories!
As we approach the beginning of another prophetic year, I suddenly realize that I too am nearing the same age as my parents when disease (and hell) damaged their bodies for the first time.
“Brad, today I am in my right mind. I just wanted you to know that I love you.” |
So, I may not be far away from either of those maladies, yet today, this day, I am still in my right mind… thus I write:
Because of the fear of losing my right mind, I write the following statements as a public record, declaring to all that know me, that:
I believe there is only one way to be saved, as summarized in the book of Acts, and especially as enunciated in Acts 2:38. The Bible is plain concerning this matter. I declare this from my right mind. Should I “lose” my grip on salvation doctrine in order to seek fame and fortune…, PLEASE DO NOT FOLLOW ME DOWN TO THE HELL THAT WILL BE AWAITING ME!
I am an anointed minister of God’s Word, and as such I understand the Biblical principles concerning remarriage, especially in regard to the ministry. Should I “lose” my mind and foolishly fall into immorality, please have no mercy on me as a preacher (do not allow me to contaminate the Apostolic Pulpit with my sin). Rather, help me as a sinner find repentance as a prodigal saint nothing more. Should I one day “lose” my mind, please be kind and supportive of my wife; she would not be the reason of my fall (it is so easy to blame the spouse for personal failure).
I stand for holiness, within and without. Nowadays, it is so easy to “lose” sight and vision of our Holy God, by turning a blind eye to invading trends that erode purity and welcome worldliness. I take my stand today, while in my right mind before the Eli syndrome knocks at my door and I “die” a shameful death caused by the sin of omission. Pay me no mind if someday I “lose” the Holy Ghost and become carnal.
I have preached thousands of sermons that attest my Apostolic sanity. Please use them as a testimony against me should I lose my RIGHT spiritual mind.
Should, however, mental or physical issues destroy my mind; please intern me where I will not hinder the progress of God’s Kingdom as I fade into a twilight zone. If someday I can no longer proclaim my love for Jesus…, please say it for me. I would appreciate that!
I write today because I am still in my right mind.