Greetings in the precious and holy name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Trust you all are doing well even as we are by the grace of God. The long summer was very hard on us. The high temperature was too much to bear ...
The work of the Lord is growing both spiritually and in number here in India. We just had our monthly pastors meeting where we heard many testimonies of how the Lord moved in times of desperation and answered prayers. There are some pastors in our fellowship who are facing stiff resistance and overwhelming obstacles by the enemy, yet they are standing strong and are trusting the Lord for victory. Please remember these brothers in your prayers as they are facing very difficult physical and spiritual problems from the enemy.
We are working with a group of Trinitarian pastors and many of them have accepted the truth. Eight of them were even baptized in Jesus name. Their churches are now getting ready to take baptism in Jesus name also. We are still working on the other pastors and are asking the Lord to open their eyes to know the truth and obey it.
The Christian school has re-opened after the summer break. So far we have 382 students in the school and 30 children in the orphanage. We thank the Lord for the school and for the opportunity to teach little children about the only living God – the Lord Jesus! The Bible school is also going on well. The students will be passing out in a couple of months and will start evangelizing in different parts of the country of India. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank you all from the depths of my heart for the kind hospitality and love that you had shown to me when I was there with you. We often find ourselves talking and thinking about you all and the wonderful time that I had. Also we are so grateful to you for the offer of monthly support for the work of the Lord which was promised to us by you during our visit. Without monthly support, it is impossible to sustain all the activities pertaining to the progress of the work here. The churches, pastors, school, Bible school, monthly magazine and other ministries are heavily dependent upon regular monthly support. I am so grateful to the Lord that you are sharing the burden of finances through monthly support with us. ...
Please continue to lift us up to the throne of grace in your prayers. We assure you of our prayers for you. We love you.
Humbly in Christ Jesus,
A.S.W Jaikumar