CHRIST IS THE WAY -Men without Him are like Cain, wanderers, vagabonds.
HE IS THE LIGHT -Men without Him walk in darkness and know not whither to go.
HE IS THE VINE -Men who are not in Him are withered branches prepared for the fire.
HE IS THE ROCK -Men not built on Him are carried away by the flood of judgment.
HE IS THE BREAD AND WATER OF LIFE -Men without Him will hunger and thirst for all eternity.
HE IS THE ALPHA AND OMEGA -Men without Him have neither beginning of good nor end of misery.
HE IS THE LIGHT -Men without Him walk in darkness and know not whither to go.
HE IS THE VINE -Men who are not in Him are withered branches prepared for the fire.
HE IS THE ROCK -Men not built on Him are carried away by the flood of judgment.
HE IS THE BREAD AND WATER OF LIFE -Men without Him will hunger and thirst for all eternity.
HE IS THE ALPHA AND OMEGA -Men without Him have neither beginning of good nor end of misery.